Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pam from Archer and Jillian from Workaholics are essentially the same character. They're both sort of a saucy, fat chick who can throw down when necessary. I even thought that Pam might be voiced by the actress who plays Jillian, but I was wrong. But seriously, same bitch is same.

Jillian from Workaholics is played by Jillian Bell, who I guess Workaholics is the only thing she has done, since she doesn't have a wiki.

Pam from Archer is voiced by a woman named Amber Nash who has done voices for Frisky Dingo, ATHF, and a few other projects.


  1. AGREED! I literally had to google this because they're so freaking similar, even their vernacular is the same. Good call.

  2. Yeah, quite a few sites say they are the same person, but I was like, "nah, nah, nah, nah, I got to do some investigating." They are essentially the same character though. I think I prefer Jillian though.
